Finsure fights modern slavery

Finsure Group’s Women in Finsure initiative is using its platform amongst brokers to assist The Freedom Hub, a Sydney-based charity that is committed to raising funds to end the scourge of global slavery and human trafficking.

Women in Finsure chair and Finsure NSW state manager Noushig Megerditchian (pictured above left) said the aggregator’s partnership had evolved from the work of award-winning Sydney broker Nathaniel Truong, whose brokerage donates a percentage of its commissions to the charity.

“Our Women in Finsure platform not only supports achieving equality throughout the Finsure network and the financial services sector as a whole, but has been very successful helping charitable organisations,” Megerditchian said.

“We have already raised more than $15,000 for The Freedom Hub through our Women in Finsure events and we look forward to further supporting this important charity at our upcoming events this year.”

Ending modern slavery

One of the aims of the partnership is to help fight modern slavery, which still occurs in Australia, according to Sally Irwin (pictured right), founder and managing director of The Freedom Hub.

Modern slavery is an umbrella term that encompasses various issues, such as forced labour and marriage, child labour, debt bondage, servitude, and deceptive recruitment for labour or services.

Irwin said that many people assumed that modern slavery was only found in third-world or developing nations.

“When I explain that it’s happening right here in Australia – a prosperous, developed nation – they simply don’t believe me,” Irwin said.

Research by the University of Melbourne estimates that 15,000 people live in conditions of modern slavery in Australia.

“The Freedom Hub is determined to end slavery and help people who have experienced this crime to recover,” Irwin said. “Every cent donated to them supports a person who has been a victim of modern slavery within Australian borders. A survivor who needs to rebuild their life.”

Megerditchian emphasised that it just took the actions of one individual to make a difference in hundreds of lives.

“Nathaniel Truong has set a tremendous example by being involved with The Freedom Hub for many years. Nathaniel’s brokerage, The Loan Lounge, donates a percentage of commissions every month to The Freedom Hub and has raised more than $100,000,” Megerditchian said.

Truong’s success as a mortgage broker and efforts for charities and the local community have been acknowledged by the financial services industry. Truong was named as a Young Gun in Australian Broker’s sister publication MPA magazine in 2017.

This philanthropic approach has been adopted by others in the industry.

Achieving equality

While ending modern slavery is one of its primary goals, Finsure’s programs extend into many other areas, including promoting equality, opportunity, diversity and inclusion of women within the industry.

“Our Women in Finsure platform supports achieving equality throughout the Finsure network and the financial services sector as a whole,” Megerditchian said. “Women in Finsure holds quarterly gatherings to celebrate women in finance and give everyone the opportunity to network with other brokers.”

“We share business and leadership tips and celebrate achievements beyond settlement figures. We are particularly proud that Women in Finsure also helps charitable organisations by raising money for the people who need it most.”

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