The Education for All plan strives to “ensure that students not only gain access to education but also have the necessary support systems and resources to continue their studies successfully”.
While the estimated 6.1 million children were out of school in 2014 is down from 13.46m in 2006, there is “still a long way to go”, the company said. Only limited numbers of children in India really enjoy the access to education, it continued, with girls making up a larger share of the population of children who are not in school than boys.
In 2021, the male literacy rate in India stood at 84.4% compared with 71.5% for women. In rural India, the gender literacy disparity is more prominent, with only 66% of women aged 15 to 49 having been literate compared to over 81% of men in the region, it noted.
“We understand that education is the primary influence in determining a student’s future; therefore, we initiate a larger effect by offering a variety of opportunities for the students,” Gaurav Batra, CEO and founder of Infinite Group, said in a statement.
The company has introduced skill-based workshops, communication and manners programs, cognitive development and meals and stationary support.
“Since its founding, Infinite Group has been committed to realising its mission of providing the best possible opportunity for children, and has worked tirelessly towards the goal of empowering students to pursue their passions,” the company added.
“Slum children are facing issues in completing their education. The heavy burden of earning a living for their family is sometimes on their shoulders. While keeping up with the needs of their families, they tend to put education aside. However, Infinite Group is committed to ensuring that people of all backgrounds and identities have equal access to educational opportunities in order to help them achieve their goals.”
The success of the initiative will be measured “by the positive impact it has on the lives of underprivileged students”, Gaurav Virmani, director of strategy and growth planning at Infinite Group, detailed.
“This can be evaluated through various indicators, such as improved academic performance, increased graduation rates, enhanced life skills, and expanded opportunities for further education or employment,” Virmani told The PIE.
“We are looking forward to joining hands with global NGOs working on the same belief of making education accessible to all”
It is the beginning of a wider project that will be global.
“To expand the initiative of education for all beyond India, we are looking forward to joining hands with global NGOs working on the same belief of making education accessible to all. We also plan to work closely with our global education providers to organise on-campus workshops for these students,” Virmani continued.
Infinite Group, which has been operating in the education field for 15+ years, is funding the project through its own revenue.
“We believe it’s not us but our stakeholders, university partners, recruitment partners and students who are contributing to this initiative,” Virmani added.
“Every time you trust Infinite Group for services, you empower young minds to choose independence with the right to education.”